January Newsletter

Hope your holidays were joyous!
Here is January's Newsletter. Key points include:

  • New trash day begins this week (not the 15th, sorry for the confusion)
  • Keep the flower basket donations coming! We'll be accepting donations until March
  • More info on 70th and Cass redevelopment and the "Subway" tunnel project
Posted on January 5, 2015 and filed under Newsletter.

OWH Covers Dodge Street Subway

The OWH covered a story on Omaha's only underground pedestrian tunnel that is right in the heart of Dundee. It was built in the 1930's and today serves as a safe route to school for about 100 Dundee Elementary school students. Read the article here and donate to the renovations here

Posted on November 26, 2014 .

Photos from our Community Garden's 5 Year Anniversary

Posted on September 9, 2014 .