Are you ready to clean out your book case and start to feel a little of Marie Kondo’s “joy of tidying up?” Our Dundee Day Book Sale is back! Start saving those gently used books (or new if you have one that you’ve just never read and have decided that you won’t read!) that you would like to pass on to another reader! The used book sale is on Dundee Day, August 20, 2022, and we would welcome your donations of books. The proceeds from the book sale go to benefit the Sorensen Branch of the Omaha Public Library and Community Center.
Donated books can be dropped off at Mary Schleifer's house at 417 S Happy Hollow Blvd, on the northeast corner of Happy Hollow and Howard St. Please leave boxes of books at the back door at the end of the driveway. The driveway is on Howard St (look for the 417 sign), and there's room to turn your car around at the end of the driveway. Dundee Bank will also accept books, at 5015 Underwood, during their business hours beginning on May 2nd. Please put your books in boxes so that they can be easily stored and transported.
The book sale can also use volunteers to work at the tables on Dundee Day, August 20th. We need help setting up beginning at 7 a.m. The Book Sale will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you would be willing to work helping with the book sale, please email Mary Schleifer at Volunteers usually work in 2-3 hour shifts. You can pick a time that works for you.
Questions? Call or text Mary at 864-498-4420.